Find new jobs

Are you an ambitious freelancer looking for challenging projects and interesting clients? JEX will increase your freelance success. Find new jobs quickly through the largest network of clients in the Netherlands.


Ready to start?

JEX connects you with hundreds of clients in the Netherlands. So you are never without projects and can dive right in. 

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The best match

JEX understands your preferences, ambitions and skills. That’s why you will only see jobs that are interesting and relevant to you. This way you will always find the perfect match. 


For every freelancer

Whether you have years of experience or are just starting out as a freelancer: JEX offers plenty of opportunities for every freelancer looking for a new project. 


Save time

As a freelancer you are a specialist in your field. You need to focus on what you are good at: delivering quality. Searching for your next project is quick and easy with our software. 

Hoe werkt het?

Facilisis justo pellentesque ornare cursus. Urna placerat velit nullam erat nunc pellentesque. In tellus vel nisi pretium pretium risus felis adipiscing. Tristique ut arcu nulla vitae quis vitae sed iaculis.


Uren en declaraties vastleggen in ons portaal


Uren en declaraties vastleggen in ons portaal


Uren en declaraties vastleggen in ons portaal


Uren en declaraties vastleggen in ons portaal


Largest network

With the largest network of clients in the Netherlands, JEX is your key to new opportunities. Our advanced matching technology connects you with clients who are specifically looking for your skills. Not only do we offer more jobs, but also better jobs. To fuel your freelance success and expand your network.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need some advice? Our experts are just a click away. Leave a message and we will contact you.